Key Takeaways: The anime market growth is influenced mainly by the ongoing market demands and growth of online streaming platforms. Anime with the dark fantasy genre should be given focus because the anime will not lose its popularity anytime soon. With its anime localization services, CCC offers anime localization for the dark fantasy genre, [...]
By hripsime.aghababyanPublished On: September 13th, 20247.7 min readCategories: Manga, Webtoon, ComicsKey Takeaways: Data collection for small businesses has many challenges but comes with more benefits. Data collection is one of the many small business growth strategies contributing to customer understanding, better decision-making, operational efficiency, and improved sales. The role of data for business led to the rise of data analytics technologies, all of which [...]
By hripsime.aghababyanPublished On: September 4th, 20246.8 min readCategories: Transcription and Data CollectionKey Takeaways: The global market for business transcription is at over $3 billion in 2024 and is expected to reach over $9 billion in 2034. Transcription depends on the field, such as, but not limited to, fields of medicine, law, academics, and business. Employing reputable professional transcription service providers assures accuracy, efficiency, and confidentiality, [...]
By Mari ChakryanPublished On: August 28th, 20246 min readCategories: Transcription and Data CollectionKey Takeaways: A concept similar to Naruto was first materialized in a one-shot in 1997, two years before Naruto was published in Shonen Jump. Naruto has sold over 250 million copies of the manga and has an average rating of 8.0–8.5 from millions of anime viewers globally. The adaptation of Naruto into an anime [...]
In the fast-evolving landscape of technology and business, data collection remains a cornerstone for informed decision-making. Thus, understanding the trends and technologies shaping data collection in 2024 is vital to stay competitive. This guide delves into the role of data collection, highlighting its significance in the age of AI and machine learning. In addition, [...]
By hripsime.aghababyanPublished On: August 5th, 20245 min readCategories: Transcription and Data CollectionTags: Transcription and Data Collection
CCCベストピック: ジャンル別おすすめゲーム
Nurul Afiqah Bahari2024-07-11T14:50:59+08:00June 12th, 2024|
Nurul Afiqah Bahari2024-07-11T14:52:25+08:00June 10th, 2024|
ゲームローカライゼーションの未来: トレンドとテクノロジー
Nurul Afiqah Bahari2024-07-11T14:53:44+08:00June 7th, 2024|